
Horticultural therapy and bougainvillea...

New years wishes to you all...
how many resolutions have you made? 

I have kept mine very simple...make changes to renew health.  Oh and I've also written two very large 'To Do' before Christmas 2013' lists!
The other resoulution is to actually succeed in completing everything on the said lists!
I am a list person you see, I guess that was because I homeschooled, and my children needed whiteboard instructions, so they could see what was going to occur during the day.
That habit has stuck...and I still write up my whiteboard every day.  
It feels so good to rub off everything I do off the list. 
Anyway, I have written on A4 paper,  a things to do in the house list, and things to do in the garden list.
I have spent the past two months of ill-health deciding what to do next in various parts of Mia Bella Gardens.  What fun I have had!
Nothing like horticultural therapy to make you feel better.
It started with researching gardening ideas on the internet and ended up with newfound energy to 'redo' a whole section of garden.  And boy that felt good!
 Digging, weeding, moving citrus trees to new homes, purchasing new plants, (which involved visits to three garden centres), planting, watering...Ahhh, the best therapy is horticultural when you feel like crud!

One thing I really want to do is create a garden room...and in that room will be a feature pot planted with bougainvillea. 
 I have purchased the bouganvillea, and am now waiting paitently for the chosen pot to come on sale. Large pots are sooo expensive!
 Bougainvillea in pots make such a statement...
 I am in love with the idea of this? 
I am thinking of purchasing a dwarf bougainvillea, 
there is one is called 'Evita'...
That would be perfect to pot!

And I am always amazed by bonsai bouganvilleas...

And did you know with regular pruning and care,
a bouganvillia makes a stunning small tree?
Inspired yet?

So the moral of the story is....if you are feeling under the weather...there is nothing like a little 'Horticultural Therapy' to make you feel better!