

Now don't you be fooled 
by his butter wouldn't melt in my mouth good looks...
This dog has serious attitude!
Meet George...

Using the word mischief to describe him is an understatement!
Here at Mia Bella Gardens we call him a work in progress.
Apparently the  'Hungarian Vizla' breed are a work in progress for their lifetime!
(I'm still coming to terms with that!)

George is probably just darn happy he found us...

He was sad, neglected and abused before he came to us...
Seriously underweight weighing in at only 17 kilos the day he arrived,
George is now happy, healthy and loved!
He has found his forever home,
even though he drives us completely crazy with his naughtiness.
(Now here's the reason why I do not have a lovely wreath on the front entrance door, 
and why I made a sturdy silver platter welcome sign.)

Currently I'm in a creative planning phase, 
redesigning a gorgeous front porch entrance...
that is 'George proof'!
We love him to bits!
How could you not love that face?