
Peanut Butter and Orange bird Feeders...

The orange tree at Mia Bella Gardens is bulging at the seams!
In fact all the citrus trees are loaded with fruit...
And every season...
we eat it, bake with it, Juice it, gift it, 
and share it with the birds...

And that's what this post is all about...
Nutty orange bird feeders!
They are pretty simple to make...
In a bowl combine:
softened peanut butter, rolled oats, crushed cornflakes
or whatever you have on hand:
chopped nuts, sunflower seeds, wild bird seed.
Basically the more dry ingredients you use, the more peanut butter you need.
I also added some of the diced pulp of the scooped out oranges,
and some of the juice too,
mainly because the waxeye birds I am making these for...
 LOVE oranges!

Then all you do is stuff the scooped out orange skins with the mixture...

And there you have it.  

This would be a great activity for the kids....
Kids love mixing messy stuff!
Messy play was always a favourite of my children when they were little,
so keep this one in mind as a perfect activity 
to break the boredom of the summer holidays.

Once you have created these bird delicious treats,
 pop them out on your feeding table...
or you could attach string to the orange skins before filling
with the mixture so you can hang in the branches of a tree.

Believe me - it will not be long and the neighbourhood birds 
will be converging on these with complete delight!
These wee cuties are called 'waxeyes'
 or for those of you who are interested in the tech stuff:
 The Silvereye or Waxeye (zosterops lateralis) is a very small omnivorous 
passerine bird of the south-west Pacific.
It is found in Australia and New Zealand.

My little feathered friends just went crazy over these Nutty Orange feeders....
I get the feeling I'll be making another batch next week,
 and the next week,
and the next week....