
Art Deco cabinet upcycle: from ugly to beautiful!

This old Art deco wooden china cabinet 
is yet another of my love/hate relationships!
I love the shape of it,
 and simply adore the lead light panels, 
but I sooooo hate the wood!!
In my minds eye I pictured this painted white.
But one day while looking at furniture on 'Trade Me', 
I came across this very cabinet that somebody had upcycled, 
by painting it-
 solid - shiny - white.
It looked disgraceful!!!
And so my cabinet has remained to this day
in its ugly stained wood state.
But then I had seen 
 a painted dry brush technique 
on an upcycled old wooden ladder.
Rustic and interesting.
And so that was the new inspiration for my china cabinet.
Very slowly I dry brushed...
Layer upon layer of white paint...
 Until I was happy with the paint coverage...
It took 3 hours to get it just right!
Not too light,
and not too heavy.
(Note to self:  wear knee pads next time one attempts such a project!)
After 24 hours drying time, 
I used steel wool to distress the paintwork. 
A little here,
and a little there...
following the grain of the wood.
Very slowly I am falling in love with this cabinet.
And as I apply a layer of beeswax polish, 
I'm thinking 'You really are starting to look rather fine!'.
But what to do with these yucky old knobs?
Paint to the rescue again -
matt black in fact!
And what a difference that made!
I am so glad I decided to keep the original hardware.
Because there was a moment when I thought I might just change them!
And here is the end result!
The Art Deco cabinet upcycle: from Ugly to beautiful.
Now it no longer blends in with the dining room wooden wall panelling...
She simply says - 
"woohoo - LOOK AT ME!!!"
The 'Aqua collection' simply 'POPS' against the white.
The leadlight glass looks gorgeous!
And the distressing offers a little bit of detail but not too much.
The glass urn picks up on the gleam
 of the leadlight glass in the cabinet doors.
My original chalk artwork 
picks up all the colours displayed on and inside the cabinet.
Aqua, blue and white hues...
My favourites!
The mirror had a drybrushed makeover too...
It just could not remain natural wood.
So here it is again...
Which do you prefer?
My vote is definitely for after!