
DIY Starburst can flowers...

What a quick and simple way to upcycle aluminum cans. 
These starburst can flowers are perfect 
for fun and funky fence art,
to adorn a letterbox,
or as I have used them,  

to decorate the side of a shed.
If you create these - remember to be safety conscious.
This one is an 'at your own risk' activity.

Here's what you do:
You will need two aluminium cans per flower.
Using a stanley knife cut the top off the can. 
 It will be a bit rough,
 but use scissors to straighten the edge.
With the scissors cut strips to bottom of the can. 
 Fold each strip down to create the starburst.
Cut the tips to a point.
Do the same with the second can, 
but cut five thicker strips.
Cut these into short petals as shown.
 Fold the petals back.
 Slot the short petal can into the starburst petal can.
 Attach with a bolt to the side of the shed or structure.