
The Christmas Sitting Room...

Welcome to the Christmas Sitting Room...
Choosing RED as this years theme colour was easy - because if you didn't know it already - I LOVE RED!
Santa approves - 
He's quite fond of the colour RED too! 
 This is the mantel...
 With the Christmas ornament picture 
Instructions on how to make this are here:
 The Christmas Bearington Bear and Santa watch over the festivities...
 Berries, lights and gold stars mingle with the white tulle ...
I love the patterning in gold on this glass candle holder...
 Here's a closer view of this  bear....
 with the purfect little Christmas friend sitting on her lap.
 There is only one tree this year.
A new BIG tree is on the list for Santa...
because somehow (?) the old one met it's demise.
(Run over by a quad bike and squashed- but it is on the upcycle list for 2016!)
 So the little tree is decked out in RED...
 With the painted leaves at the base.
 The other thing I love at Christmas time is:
 Oh RED - how I adore you!
 Christmas and ART = LOVE!
And Bearington Bears...
Soooo cute!
 With gorgeous details...
This is Angelica.
 The Christmas sitting room...
is beautiful in candle light. 
 Nothing compares...
to the ambience... 
 That candlelight creates.
 Mia Bella Passions Christmas Sitting Room...
Beautiful by day or night.

#christmasdecorating #christmas