
How To Make a No Sew Fabric Pumpkin...

In the Southern hemisphere it is autumn.
Or as the Northern side of the world knows it 'Fall'.
So it's time to put away all the Easter decor, 
and bring in a little rusticness with a Fall theme. 
I wanted some simple pieces for the sideboard display,
and created a cute fabric pumpkin.
Because I have deer antlers to include in the display,
I chose a deer printed fabric.
Size of the fabric depends on how big you want your pumpkin to be.
All you do is:
Make a ball shape with some soft wadding.
Pull a tuft in the centre for the stem.
Put  rubber band on it to help hold it.
Place in the centre of the fabric.
Bring up a corner.
Then the other corners.
Tuck in loose ends.
Put another band at the top to hold it together.
Poof, primp and tuck until you are happy with the pumpkin shape.
Wind twine around the top to make a stem.
Wrap twine around the fabric pumpkin.
And that is it.
You now have a cute fabric pumpkin for your home decor.
These are great fun to make in different sizes and look fab in groups. 
 Also very cool for Halloween decor.

#halloween #craft #pumpkin #fabric