
A New Pot Plant Standard...

Do you ever go into the garden centre,
 and see a plant that is screaming at you 'make me into a standard?'
Well that is what happened with this Ficus.
The main trunk is so straight.
How more perfect is that!
I bought it with no idea where in the house it would go.
But once home decided it was time for a change in the French Masculine Bedroom.
I have had black wrought iron pieces on the side table for too long.
Time for something new.
Time for a pot plant!
So I just repotted the ficus into a bigger plastic pot that would fit inside the display planter.
Then trimmed the plant into a standard by removing the lower leaves.
A slight prune to round it a little was needed.
As the plant grows the shape will improve with regular trimming.
I always like to do this as a gentle slow process.
This fiscus variety is called 'Baby Ben'.
It's a variety that is great for topiary.
They like part shade, so the filtered light in the bedroom,
 and no draughts means it should thrive.
If you like the black & white photographs that are framed above the Ficus, 
they are available HERE on the Mia Bella Passions Photography page for your free personal use.