
DIY Coffee Table Succulent Bowl...

As y'all know it's winter here in the southern hemisphere,
so I'm always on the lookout for some greenery in the decor.
Succulents in a bowl are a much needed pop of nature during the cold, bleak wintery days.

I selected two baby succulent plants from the garden centre.

This fish bowl was in the blog bit's and pieces I might need one day cupboard.

I gathered some stones from the garden path...
and placed those in the base of the glass bowl

The next layer was a quality potting mix, 
into which the little succulents were planted.

This one is a baby plant off a succulent in the garden.

The next step once the plants were in the bowl was...

To add a layer of white decorative pot plant stones.
The bowl was placed on a wooden tray with a shabby green paper base.
(I got this from The Warehouse for $12 in a sale).
Just remember there is no drainage in a planter like this,
and the plants are succulents so minimal watering is required.
These plants get afternoon sun for 5 hours sited on this table, 
so you need to move them in a sunbath area regularly if sunlight limited. 

Some wonderful living decor for the winter months.