
Rake Head Bird Or Butterfly Feeder...

Let's create a rustic upcycled bird feeder...

 I found an old rake head in the shed...
(you can source these at yard sales, or goodwill stores).

What better way to upcycle it than to use it as a bird feeder?
(Butterflies would enjoy this feeding station too...)

 I positioned the rake head on top of the old picket fence...

 Then used two large staple nails to attach it. 

Added some tangelo orange halves dripping with sweet juice...

The bird life instantly approved!

It turned out to be a most popular addition,
 to the many bird feeding areas in Mia Bella Gardens.

No butterflies yet as it's winter in Mia Bella Gardens...
but I hope they will come for a visit in summer.

#diy #rake #upcycle #birdfeeder