
Living With Pain And Invisible Illness - My story...

This week's post was supposed to be all about a very cool Coastal-themed 'Nightlight' DIY...
the computer decided to DIE!!!
So here I am on my little ole laptop. 
With no access to photo processing and no way to get the photos from the camera onto the laptop of the above project.
The DIY post has now turned into 'hopefully' an inspiring story.
Few know this part of my personal story.
It is silent.  It is hidden.
I live with chronic pain and illness that is not obvious.
(unless of course you notice the disability parking sticker on my car or I am limping due to a flare-up).
It affects my life daily.
It is a challenge.
Last week I read a blog post elsewhere that featured a story about other bloggers who also live with pain and illness.
Their stories were inspirational.
So I decided I would add my story to the blogosphere.
Perhaps it will help someone who is in the early days of diagnosis.
Perhaps it will give them hope when they are going through all the stages of grief as they deal with the prospects of surgery, medication and their effects, as well as lifestyle changes.
I think for me the lifestyle changes that I had to make were the hardest.
Before my hip deformity diagnosis, reconstructive surgeries, osteoarthritis diagnosis, and heart condition (also which required surgery), I was super active.  
I had a half-acre garden.  Ran the home to perfection. Worked. Volunteered. 
Gosh, I could write an enormous list of how life was.
Then suddenly it all stopped!
Life changed in a moment.
It's taken me many years to adapt to those changes.
It was not easy.
I loved my old life.
Then suddenly I needed to recreate a new one.
I was completely lost.
My friend said to me 'You are still creative - share it'.
In 2012 Mia Bella Passions' blog began.
'Mia Bella Passions' is my creative, positive, happy place.
Blogging was my lifesaver.
Then as time and wellness allowed, I added other things 'I could do'...
Art became my second lifesaver.
And here we are today.
A Blogger and an artist.
Somebody who six years ago thought life was over!
Now - I accept that my path is different.
I have good days.
I have really bad days.
I have learnt to pace myself.
I know when to stop.
I look for beauty in all things, and in places I would never have thought to look before.
Positivity is an important aspect of my life and the way I think.
It takes a while to retrain the brain to think that way but you can do it.
(Sure - I have challenging days when I am miserable, but the next day I pick myself up and carry on).
I go for short walks.
The beach is a haven.
I have my family's love.
Life is good.
I am grateful.
Mindfulness rocks!

And last but not least:
Creativity is incredibly healing.

This leaves me with a quote I'd like to share with you today:

'Do not confuse my bad days as a sign of weakness.
These are actually the days I am fighting my hardest'.