
'NUTS about YOU' Valentine Gift Idea.

Want a CUTE and ROMANTIC gift idea for Valentines Day?

This 'I'm just NUTS about YOU' design was the inspiration.
It can be printed on plain paper for labels,
or on adhesive paper to be used as a sticker.

To Make:
Upcycle a jar, or buy one in the desired size.
Then print the label.
I'm printing on plain white card for this project and the 'Nuts' printable will be used as a tag around the neck of the jar.
Paint the jar lid with red paint if is from a recycled jar with labelling on it.
My jar lid was wood, so I left it unpainted.

Fill your jar with chocolate covered nuts..
I layed dark and milk chocolate covered scorched almonds.
Add ribbon to neck of the jar using roller glue to hold in place.
Then add the label to the jar.
I used roller glue to attach it.

How simple to create...
Ready to gift to your Valentine nut and chocolate lover! 

Save As - the FREE NUTS ABOUT YOU Printable' to your
computer, then print in the required size.
I used 5x7 size for this project.

Use this image for stickers.
Save As - then copy paste and size for as many stickers as you require.

#Valentine #giftideas #diy #createathome