
Fancy That Yellow Chrysanthemum...

 'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
Over summer I had the complete 'white pot craze' happening...
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
And yellow was the flower colour craze!
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
In the plant rescue stand at the garden store, I found two half-dead chrysanthemum plants for $1.50 each.
Knowing darn well it's really had to kill a 'mum' I bought them thinking they would be perfect for my white pots on the back deck.  
And they grew... and they grew in their part shade position.
Healthy plants - no yellow flowers!
Lesson learnt - the pot must be placed in the FULL SUN ALL DAY to achieve the promised prolific flowering!
But by then summer was over and autumn had arrived. 
The myriad of white pots were all emptied of their plants,
 and the pots were put into storage for winter.
So these very healthy green foliage 'mums' were put into the garden bed.
In FULL SUN might I add.
Then look at what happened.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
so many flowers!
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
Dainty yellow flowers.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
And a month later we still have masses of flowers!
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
So really it's a lesson to read the plant label properly.
Full sun means just that!
Laugh out loud!
So in case, you have a space in your garden for an amazing pop of yellow then plant:
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
From Zealandia's Living Colours range.
It's a new breed of free flowering chrysanthemum that is suitable for a low, ground covering in garden beds, pots, hanging baskets and bowls.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
Just remember that FULL SUN is the secret to success with this gorgeous mini daisy Chrysanthemum.
It's fabulous for picking.
Plus the butterflies will love it too.

'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
And the flowers last such a long time in a vase.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
or teacup.
'Fancy That Yellow' Chrysanthemum.
Which is what I used as a vessel to display the posy of blooms.
The teacup is Vintage Colcough.

Plant Name: Fancy That Yellow by Zealandia Living Colours

#chrysanthemum #yellow #floweringgardenplants 