
Christmas Door Wreath

 It's going to be a funny (but not the haha sort) weird kinda Christmas for me this year...

But 2020 has been just that, hasn't it?

There will be no tree this year.

I'll tell you more about the reason why in a while...

But I am doing a door wreath.

And a table feature.

But in superbly 'KISS' (keep it simple stupid) style!

This is why I love Online Christmas stores.

Because when you have no time to craft it, create it or DIY make it,

their ready-made is just right!

Plus it's delivered to your home directly.

So for the front door this year I chose a pretty metal and faux pine and greenery wreath.

Christmas Door Wreath

Noel is considered a French word but it actually dates back to the  Latin word Nasci, which means to be born.

In the middle ages, Noel described the Christmas period.

'Joyeux Noël is Merry Christmas in French'.

Christmas Door Wreath

#noel #christmas #christmaswreath