
Chain Of Hearts Pot Plant

Chain of Hearts

Pot plant mania sure has struck many homes around the world.

Obsession with collecting different varieties of plants is the main thought on many minds.

It is so reminiscent of when I was a child.

When I grew up I remember relishing the 'chore' given to me of polishing the leaves of the monsteria deliciousa and the rubber plant in the foyer of our home.

I remember pretending the Queen was coming to visit and I just had to have those leaves so shiny for the occasion!

My mother often grew things from cuttings.

As did my father.

And then as a young homemaker, I collected pot plant and garden plant cuttings and roots from friends neighbours and family.

And developed my own collections and garden displays.

Then that fad, phase or era ended.

Trends changed, home decor changed.

So now some 30 years later I am filled with joy that plant mania is back.

The healing nurturing power of those botanical beings is a force in this trying world we are currently living in.

And as we are having a chat about plants, I wanted to share this little beauty.

Chain Of Hearts

'Chain Of Hearts' or as it's sometimes known 'String Of Hearts'.

This beautiful little plant has a lovely variegated heart-shaped leaf, that has a chain or string-like structure.

The lengths of these chains or strings can reach up to 4 metres long.

It is an easy-care plant that loves good drainage and bright indirect light.

Let the soil dry out between watering.

Fertilise with a general-purpose fertiliser once a month during the growing season.

It is best displayed in a hanging pot or on a high shelf.

And for the animal parents, it is good to know it is pet-friendly non-toxic!

The most common problem with Chain of Hearts is overwatering which causes the plant to rot.

Chain Of Hearts

I love this little plant, and it will gift you tiny tube-like white flowers with black edging to say thank you for letting me live in your home.

#potplants #houseplants