
Pretty Pressed Flower Vase

Pressed Flower Craft

Homemade gifts are always wonderful to receive, so here is an idea for gifting.

You can place the pressed (not dried)  flowers onto any glass object.

I have used a preserving jar that has a nice shape with square faces.

Pressed Flower Craft

The first thing you need to do is gather the flowers.

Select various flowers and leaves.

And more than you need in case of any pressing fails.

This does happen!

 This technique is the old-fashioned way where you use a book.

Just like we did when we were kids, before the invention of flower press contraptions.

Pressed Flower Craft

Just place the flowers and leaves between two pieces of newspaper.

Insert in the book.

Do this with all the flowers and leave a gap of about 10 pages between every insertion.

Pressed Flower Craft

Make sure you use an old unwanted book as the moisture may ruin the pages.

Pressed Flower Craft

Put the book in a warm place. 

Pressed Flower Craft

Add more weight by piling more books on top.

Leave for two weeks.

Pressed Flower Craft

Then carefully remove it from the newspaper and place them on a white sheet of paper so you can see what you will have to use.

Pressed Flower Craft

Pressed Flower Craft

On the side of the clean glass vessel, Spread a layer of Mod Podge glue.

Pressed Flower Craft

Place your flower design onto that.

Pressed Flower CraftPressed Flower Craft

Leave to dry.

Then proceed on around the jar or on one face - that is entirely up to you.

Leave to dry once more.

Pressed Flower Craft

Then place a final coating of modpodge on all the flower areas.

Dry for two days.

Pressed Flower Craft

Seal with clear spray sealer.

Dry again.

There is quite a bit of drying time involved, but it really is worth it in the end!

You can use dried flowers, but I find pressing for a few weeks is sufficient.

The glue seals any moisture left in the flowers as does the sealer.

Pressed Flower Craft

To finish I tied a simple thin rope bow at the neck of the jar.

Pressed Flower Craft

Fill your vessel.

I have placed a bunch of garden flowers into my jar.

But you could display dried flowers in the vase.

And tied a simple twine bow at the neck of the jar.

Fun to create, this is a lovely homemade gift, or keep it for yourself.


For TLee's art and photographic prints, visit

Tracey Lee Cassin
Art and Photographic prints @

#flowercraft #DIYgifts