
Hello To The Stunning Calathea

Calatheas are a STUNNING foliage plant!

Calathea Alocasia

There are over 60 species now available.

The rarest and most difficult to grow is 'White Fusion' Calathea. This plant has bright green leaves with unpredictable white splashes on them. 

The beautiful leaves of all Calatheas look as if an artist has dipped a brush in paint and painted them.

Calathea Alocasia

I think that is what I loved most about the variety I bought.

Calathea Alocasia.

It has the most striking leaves of a rich dark green with uniform fine cream-white stripes with a pink tinge to them.

Calathea Alocasia

They are grown outside the tropical rainforests as pot plants.

But in the moist and humid rainforest, they grow under the canopy on the forest floor.

Calathea requires certain care to thrive.

They can withstand low light but prefer bright indirect light.

They need relatively consistent warmth and humidity.

The plant will turn its leaves to light, so you need to turn the pot frequently to keep the plant in a balanced shape.

Direct sunlight will burn the leaves.

Calathea Alocasia


# You can increase humidity by spraying a light might of tepid water over the leaves.

Rainwater or pure water is best as it is free of chemicals.

# You can stand the pot on a gravel or small pebbles tray.

This creates a damp microclimate as the water evaporates and the humidity increases.

# Hot showers and baths create a steamy humidity that the plant will enjoy, therefore a bathroom is a great place for it to reside.

# If the leaves curl inwards, it is a sign of underwatering.

# Yellow or wilting leaves are a sign of overwatering.

# Red Spider Mite is a fan of Calathea. If you see fine webbing, and the upper surface of the leaf becomes mottled, you will see mites and eggs on the leaf underside using a magnifying glass. You can use an oil-based spray for house plants to eradicate the mites.

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