
Cute DIY Easter Bunny Paper Gift Bag

DIY Easter Gift Bag

  Easter is nearly here, and it's time to get our crafting on! 

  Here is one fun and easy project that you can make.

A very cute is Easter rabbit paper gift bag. 

  This upcycled paper gift bag is perfect for filling with sweets, chocolates, and small presents for your loved ones. 

DIY Easter Gift Bag

Supplies Needed:

Paper bag
Tissue, shredded paper or straw stuffing
A large Easter egg, small Easter Eggs or goodies to place in the bag.
Ribbon or twine
A large cotton ball
A label tag
Hole punch


 Start by picking a brown paper bag.  You can use any size you wish.  I used a tall rectangle bag.

DIY Easter Gift Bag
Trim the top of the bag if necessary.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Flatten the bag on a hard surface and draw using a pencil, a V shape at the top of the bag as shown.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Using scissors, cut out the centre to create the rabbit ears.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Stuff the bag with the stuffing.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Carefully place your treats inside the bag.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Pull the ears together and fluff them to look like ears.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Add a touch of glue to hold the paper of the ears in place.
Tie with a ribbon or coloured twine.
DIY Easter Gift Bag
Glue a cotton Ball for the tail onto the base of the bag.
Add a name label to the twine or ribbon.
DIY Easter Gift Bag

The Easter bunny paper gift bag is an easy and adorable way to add some personality to your Easter treats. 

No Sew Sock Bunnies are also loads of fun to make
Find out how HERE

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