
Mediterranean-style Olive And Anchovy Snackers

When it comes to entertaining guests, having a selection of easy hors d'oeuvres snacker ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator can make hosting a breeze. 

The last blog post was the delectably sweet Chocolate Snails, but this one is completely savoury!

Easy Canapes

These simple Mediterranean-style Olive And Anchovy Snackers are fabulous whether you're throwing a party or hosting a casual get-together.

Easy Canapes

 Easy CanapesEasy Canapes

Mediterranean-style snackers


Stuffed olives.

Toothpicks or small cocktail sticks 

To Make:

Using an absorbent paper towel carefully wipe the olives and press the anchovies to remove excess salt and oil.

Cut each anchovy length way down the centre to get two from one slice.

Then roll each olive in an anchovie strip.

secure with a toothpick or small cocktail stick.


That's all you need to present a tasty hors d'oeuvre when unexpected guests arrive with minimal preparation.

Place on a platter that's mixed with other finger foods.

Easy Canapes

They are such a salt blast that it's advised to mix them up on a large platter with other savoury finger foods, mini crackers, breads or cheeses.

They really will be a tasty addition to the mix.

(Take that as a lesson of not serving on its own on a small plate like I did, because if you are not a complete salt freak - two of these will totally be your limit!)

Easy Canapes

Enjoy with your tipple of choice. 

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