Dendrobium Orchid...

A cute wee orchid 
with the most powerful perfume you have ever smelt.
This is 'Dendrobium Delicatum'.


Wow, what a beautiful geranium. 
Soft whitish pink outer petals with a shocking pink centre.
In my moment of gardeners madness 
I bought four geraniums from the garden centre....
with absolutely no idea where they would go in the garden.
Mia bella Gardens is 'chocka block' so I have to say it took a few days, 
and a few pots brought out of the storeshed to find homes for them all. 
This geranium is 'Zonal Geranium' - Flower Fairy White splash.


My name is Jade.  I am an Indian Ringneck Parrot.
My favourite thing to do is tease the dogs.  I whistle to them to come...
I wolf whistle too. 
I can meow like a cat, say hello, how are you...

I live on my own as I don't really like the girls, they stress me out, then I sulk and I won't talk.   So I am really happy on my own, because I get all the treats and lots of delicious food.
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