
DIY Paint Drip Planter Pot

 Did you melt colourful crayons over a candle flame and drip it onto pots, candles, jars and bottles as a child?

Crayon Melt Candle Holder
(To make this project, click HERE)

DIY Painted Pot

Well, this 'Paint Drip Planter Pot' is reminiscent of that, except we are using acrylic liquid paints for the project.

DIY Painted Pot

The visual outcome is similar without the 3D crayon texture. 

It has a flat colourful surface.


 You Will Need:

Protective gloves

An apron or old clothes.

A plastic pot that has a matt texture (not shiny) in whatever size you choose

Golden Liquid Acrylic Paint

Bottled Golden Liquid acrylic paints in your choice of colours

A tarpaulin

Spray sealer in clear gloss

DIY Painted Pot

A plant to place in your completed pot

DIY Painted Pot

To Make:

Set up your work area with the tarpaulin to protect the ground or tabletop.

Put on your gloves and apron.

(You'll need them as this is a very messy paint project).

DIY Painted Pot

Begin running one colour of the paint in drips and patterns on the pot.

I used the nib on the paint bottle to move the paint around.

DIY Painted Pot

I left small areas of the matt black pot showing through the paint.

You can blow onto the paint gently to move it around if you wish.

DIY Painted Pot

Keep adding layers of different coloured paint, turning as you go by carefully holding the pot rim.

(HINT: This is the point where I thought 'Darn should have had a drip tray or moveable plastic sheet under the drips so I could have also created a paint drip mini canvas with the leftover paint!')

DIY Painted Pot

When you are happy with the effect, set aside to dry overnight.

The next day, spray with two coats, allowing dry time in between as per paint can instructions.

DIY Painted Pot

Place your plant inside the pot.

DIY Painted Pot

And put it in your garden or on your deck or patio.

(I eventually put mine inside on the office window sill so I would enjoy it while I was working).

Cineraria Plant

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