I have always enjoyed rhododendrons.
I love the garden varieties that grow into beautiful large shrubs and trees.
Fabulous if you have a large garden!
But then I discovered they are incredibly easy to grow in pots.
There are many varieties available now with dwarf or small shrub status which are the best for using in pots.
Vireya rhododendrons can become waterlogged planted in the garden,
and I have found these do particularly well in pots too.
I give my plants a spray using a general insecticide once in the spring,
and two or three times over summer to treat and prevent bug infestations like spider mite and mealy bug.
If you think it's not liking a certain position,
move somewhere new, until the plants happy condition and growth let's you know you've got right!

Rhododendron and Azalea Care List:
* Use a good quality potting mix
*Use a long life fertiliser pellet
*Water regularly
*Spray with an insecticide in Spring and summer.
*Repot every two years.
Rhododendron and Azalea Care List:
* Use a good quality potting mix
*Use a long life fertiliser pellet
*Water regularly
*Spray with an insecticide in Spring and summer.
*Repot every two years.
you will have a profuse blooming season.
Azaleas also grow exceptionally well in pots too.
I treat them the same as the rhododendrons,
with a spring and summer insecticide spray.
They need a lot more watering in the summer months,
but once they bloom you will be so happy.
Azaleas also grow exceptionally well in pots too.
I treat them the same as the rhododendrons,
with a spring and summer insecticide spray.
They need a lot more watering in the summer months,
but once they bloom you will be so happy.