Work With Me...

Current Promotional offerings include:

Guest Posts
Please note that Mia Bella Passions currently accepts limited guest posts.
Brand/website or service information is required for pre-approval.
Please do not be offended if your article request is declined due to it not being considered appropriate or relevant to my reader's requirements.

Sidebar Advertising:
 Blog sidebar space is available in 4-week increments.
Your ad will have:
 a photographic image,
website or social media site link, and a short caption.

Please do not be offended if your advertising request is declined due to it not being considered appropriate or relevant to my reader's requirements.

Note: Advertisers must provide valid links to a website or social media account, and product/service information for pre-approval.
Payment is made pre-publication for the 4 week period ahead.
Spam, scam links should they occur after approval in the 4 week contract period deems the contract immediately invalid, the advertisement will be removed and no refund of prepayment will be returned to the advertiser.

TLee Quote Commissions:
I will create art, photographic or creative quotes for you,
Personally, or for your business.
Created to your specific requirements.
Purchased as a high-resolution download.

You are most welcome to forward applications to:
Tracey Lee Cassin


Terms and conditions - updated 18/01/2022.

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