Office Organisation Clip-it Line...

If your office resembles mine, you will have little bit's of paper EVERYWHERE!
A bit of paper with a reminder...
a bit of paper with an idea you just must make...
a cake you must bake...
or a meeting date.
(Oh my - I should have been a poet!)
I decided I needed a system to prioritise and order my notes,
 so created an office organisation clip it line, with button embellishments.
 You will need:
Needle and cotton

Clip pins 
 And Buttons...
Create a small loop in the end of the cord, which you have cut to desired length.
Stitch the loop to hold in place. 
 Work out the spacing for the clips and thread onto the cord.
Add the note papers so you have a guide for button placement... 
Stitch a button by the loop and clip your clips/paper along the line... 
Loop the other end of the cord,
stitch and sew on another button embellishment. 
 Then sew the other buttons in between each clip it note.
Now you are ready to hang it...
 I screwed mini hooks into the wall to hang mine, but you could use stick it hooks.
The Office Organisation Clip-it Line has certainly sorted the most important notes from the rest!

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