Summer arrived and it was time for an update on the front porch...
It's been a few years since any pots have been located here.
The pots needed to be plastic not pottery or terracotta as our summers are so hot, and the plastic pot withholds moisture much better.
I was visiting the K-Mart store and came upon these gorgeous white terracotta pot lookalikes in PLASTIC!
The grade of plastic is very heavy duty.
And the bargain price was just $15 a pot.
The white looks so good.
Into the front porch pots, I planted a 'Juniperus chinensis pyramidalis' conifer,
They are both reasonably slow growing varieties.
So I am hoping to repot every two years in early Spring with a root prune to keep them a reasonable size of about one to one and a half metres.
Companion plants were added.
Viola Penny Yellow and Viola Penny White.
Violas are hardy little plants that flower continuously,
as well as withstanding a semi-shaded position,
which all of my three covered porches offer any plants that reside on them.
Violas actually provide more flowers per plant than a pansy does!
Feed with liquid or granular fertilizer and you'll get even more flowers!
So this is how early summer on the front porch looked popping with green yellow and white!
So this is how early summer on the front porch looked popping with green yellow and white!

Because these pots looked so good,
and I became besotted with the colour yellow,
I bought another white pot,
and planted a bright yellow-toned gerbera.
What a wonderful pop of late summer colour now the violas have finished.
You can see how much the conifers have grown!
And hiding beneath them are new self-seeded viola plants.
And as autumn begins to arrive I can say I have thoroughly enjoyed my white pots
planted with easy-care conifers and plants bursting with the bright colour of yellow!
#violas #conifers #plantsforpots #gerberas #frontporchplants
#pottedplants #gardenpots