Valentines Collage Canvas...

This collage art piece is Valentine inspired...
You could create your own picture in whatever colours you like...
I chose yellow.

You will need:
A canvas - 30cm x 30cm with a 3cm edge.
Acrylic art paint in the colour you choose and in white.
A selection of images to collage.
(I used images from the free resources at Graphics Fairy.)

Step One:  Paint the canvas as desired with the colour paint and with white to create contrast.

Paint the outside edges of the canvas white.

Step Two: Let the paint dry.
Cut out or tear around the edges of your images.

Step Three:  Glue the images in a collage fashion on to the painted canvas using modpodge.

Step four:  Paint a sealer of modpodge glue over the entire collage.
Once it is dry all the images will flatten out on to the canvas.
Staple a string hanger onto back of the picture to hang,
or just stand the canvas on a book shelf or side table.

#art #collage #valentines #picture

Happy New Year Y'All! ❥

I'm hoping y'all had the most fabulous Christmas and holidays.
Now it's the New Year...
and Mia Bella Passions is back from holiday.
There's a new and exciting blog series in planning...
and of course it is all about paint!
I can't wait to share that with you.
Plus there are loads of inspirational, arty, crafty, DIY and baking temptations to share during this wonderful new year.

So let's start 2018 with a pretty inspirational...

I'm using this as my computer screensaver.
"To succeed is to try one more time".
It's a great mantra...don't you think?

#inspirational #quote #artquote

Busy Bees...

Sharing today a few photographs from my Southern Hemisphere Summer garden...

 The sun is shinning, it's lovely and warm, and the bees are busy collecting pollen.

 I'm loving the bright yellow cheer of these photographs.

And thank the busy bees for my future HONEY.  🐝

#Bees #Beephotography, #nzblogger #MiaBellaPassions #photography

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