Easy Sausage Two Cheese Canapes


Need to whip up a finger food plate for visitors or a party?

These sausage two cheese canapes are small meaty bites that will delight!

They are great for a kid's party platter too.

Easy Canapes

Super easy to make.

All you do is:

Fry your sausages in a little oil.

Make sure you prick the sausage skins to prevent bursts out of the ends.


Sausage canapes
Slice the sausages into 1-inch rounds.


Spread each sausage piece with a thin layer of cream cheese.

Easy Canapes

Pop a chunk of tasty cheese on top.

(I used creamy Danish Harvati cheese for the chunks).

Easy Canapes

Then on to that a dollop of tomato sauce.

(I used Texan BBQ flavoured tomato flavour).

Carefully put a toothpick through the cheese into the sausage if you wish to transport it to another venue.

But if you are serving them straight from your home kitchen, the cream cheese on the sausage holds it together.

Keep refrigerated until 10 to 15 minutes before serving time.

Easy canapes


Put a little parsley around the plate to decorate.

Easy, huh?

A favourite easy-to-prepare canape your meat-loving guests will love to eat!

Printable recipe HERE.

#Horsdoeuvres #appetiser #sausagecanape #canape #easycanapes

Halloween Cork Bats

Halloween Craft 
Halloween cork bats are terribly cute!

And terribly easy to create!

You Will Need:

All you need are corks. (approximately 2inches in size).

Black felt.

Craft twine.

Black and white acrylic paint.

A paintbrush.


Hot glue gun.

Halloween Craft

I'm making 12 'terribly cute bats'.

With the thought on Halloween to gift away a bat to the little people trick or treaters.

To Make:

Halloween Template

Copy-paste-print the pattern sheet.

Halloween Craft

Pin pattern onto black felt (or freehand cut if you are confident) and cut out a set of wings for each bat.

Then the ears for each bat.

The Next Step:

Halloween Craft

Using a hot glue gun.

Halloween Craft

Glue ears onto cork.

Halloween Craft

Then the wings.

Halloween Craft

Paint white circles of for the eyes.

(Dry with a hairdryer for fast drying)

(You could also use small-size plastic boggle craft eyes instead of painting them.)

Halloween Craft

Then paint the black pupil onto the eye.

(Dry again with a hairdryer).

Halloween CraftHalloween Craft

Glue on a (twine or ribbon)hanger to the bottom of the bat.

Then display it on a raw branch in a vase.

You could paint the branch orange, black or white.

But I have left mine naturally raw.

Halloween Bats

Add to your Halloween display as a table centerpiece, to decorate your trick or treat table or on your sideboard.

#bats #halloweencrafts #halloween 


 The beach is incredibly healing.

Just like the mountains, rivers, streams, waterfalls and lakes.

Because they create negative ions in the air.

Negative ions are invisible, tasteless, odourless molecules we breathe in these environments.

And once these unique molecules called ions get into our bloodstream it is thought they produce biochemical reactions, that cause the level of the mood hormone serotonin to increase.

That is why you feel so good after a visit.

Negative Ions

#beach #beachquotes 

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