Easy Decor Flower Bowl...

Don't you just love  fresh flowers in the home decor?
Flowers, flowers everywhere - 
that's my motto.

And the easiest way to put a pop of flowers into the decor is by creating a bowl of floating flowers.

Just use flower heads with a short stem.
Out of the garden today I have picked:
Roses, and dahlias.

Simply put a little water into bowl 
and then place the flower heads as desired.


Decor flower bowls are fabulous for on coffee tables, sideboards,
or on the dining table as a simple floral centrepiece....
and that is exactly where I have placed this one!

#decor #flowerbowl #homedecorating

What's Been Happening In The Art Studio?

What's been happening?
AQUA has been happening that's what!
From a random squirt of too much oil paint from the tube,
to three pieces of gorgeousness.
This series of paintings may yet become four!
But here is a peek at the three completed works.

New Zealand Artist
'There is no Horizon'

New Zealand Artist
New Zealand Artist

#nzartist #art

A Perfect Valentine's RED Petunia...

 I just have to introduce ya all to 'Petunia HOT ROD RED' by 'Enrich with Nature Plants'!
What a perfect Valentine red inspired flower.
 Beautiful, bright, RED...

that has an improved resistance to adverse weather!
That's a bonus don't you think?

Grow in full sun. 
Keep moist but not overly wet.

 'Hot Rod Red' Petunia can be grown in the garden bed,
pots, hanging planter baskets or window boxes.

Make an entrance statement with this plant on your porch, or front door entrance.
Incorporate it into your valentine display...
Potted in a dramatic white tin bucket as I have done...
Or bring the plant inside for a short term (2 day's max)
event display.

 'Hot Rod Red' Petunia
  - easy to grow...no problems with disease or bugs,
and loads of the most stunning red flowers...
Mia Bella Passions is in LOVE!

#petunia #gardenplants #floweringplants #redflowers

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