
 There's nothing like a bit of stunning foilage in the garden.
This is Heucherella 'Golden Zebra'...

And if you adore Lime green as I do...
meet Heucherella 'Lime Maramalade'.

The Crown!

 Bed Bath and Beyond has become my favourite store...
I have always wanted a crown...
I have no idea why, 
I just think they are so cool...
and look what I found!

 Fabulous spinal detail...

 In fact gorgeous detail everywhere...
then I worked out, 
if you separate the two pieces, 
you can have a metal basket, 
and a crown...
two for the price of one. 
And the price was sale at $15.99! 

Ah but what to put inside the crown...
I don't need another candle 
so I went to Farmers and bought this jar ($2.99), 
which of course could hold a wee posy of flowers 
or just look lovely as it is.

Camelia bud...

Lovely creamy white camellia bud...

Bird House Gourd...

When the rats decided my gourds were delicious, a lot ended up a bit holey!
So I used the ones with bird sized holes to make birdhouses. 
First I painted the inside of the gourd white, then the outside a lovely yellow.
I love butterflies, so there was no question what to decorate the outside with...
a pretty blue butterfly on a leafy branch.

#Gourdart #Gourds 

Banksian Rose...

What a stunner...
I never prune this rose so that the canes grow up through the cherry tree and camelias.
A perfect picture against the pink of the other flowers.  
This is a Banksia Rose in double white - 'Alba Plena'.

Morning Star...

The prettiest little star flowers....
and would you believe growing in the top of a large rock.
All I did was get the chisel and hammer out,
 and chipped away at the rock until there was a small pot size indent. 
'Morning Star' is a Rhodohypoxis....
and has been happily growing in the rock for the past two years!

#rockplants #morningstar 

Joy Cushion...

I LOVE Christmas, and I am starting to think about what creations need creating for this years display...
Not sure where I first saw this cushion idea, (may have been on pinterest)...
but here is my version...
I love how this cushion fits into the red and white colour scheme of my sitting room. You could use a red cushion with white felt if you prefer.

I went to 'Bed Bath and Beyond' and bought an off white cushion (sale price $8), and some red felt from the fabric store (cost $2). The word joy letter template is off the web.
Cut out the template letters.  Pin to felt, cut out felt letters.

Lay out double sided fusing, and draw around the outline of the letters using pencil. Do an mirror image of the J. 
Use a hot iron to bond fusing to the felt letters. Trim edges.

Peel off the backing paper from the double sided fusing... Remove cushion inner from cushion and place felt letters in the centre overlapping the letters slightly.  Hot iron and fuse in place.

Top stitch with white cotton (red if your felt is white) around the letters using a sewing machine. Embellish (sequins, buttons, etc if you desire), but I chose to leave mine plain.
And there you have it...a joyous Christmas cushion, that's quick and easy to make.

Joy word template

Look At This!

I could not believe it when I saw this...
a self-seeded camelia in the garden that is about only a metre high, but the left side has varigated flowers, and the flowers on the right side are solid colour.
It is like a line has been drawn up the middle of the shrub with diffferent colours on each side.
I think I'll leave it be and see what it does as the tree matures...

The Best Gerbera...

Shocking pink in colour, 
this gerbera has been in Mia Bella Gardens for about ten years. 
It flowers from early spring to early winter, 
and is great for picking.
I have bought many modern gerbera varieties over time,
 and all seem to be susceptible to mildew disease. 
Actually, I hate to think how many I have managed to kill!  
None have ever compared to this 'nameless' shocking pink gerbera, 
which has never had a day of mildew disease in it's life. 

Aqua Blue Beaded Gourd...

 I went through my gourd growing stage a few years back...
Amazing plants to grow, but  you do need a huge amount of room if you grow more than one plant. 
We had gourds coming out our ears! 

Every shed roof at Mia Bella Gardens had gourds on top drying...
even the trampoline was covered in drying gourds...
 Friends and family got decorated gourd gifts, people found out we grew them and wanted them for their own crafts or cultural uses.
 A lot got given away, and then the corn field was harvested, and the hungry rats decided they were delicious too...
so that was the end of the gourd growing era. 
I may try again sometime, maybe just one plant on a trellis....

This gourd was painted a lovely aqua colour, 
and decorated with beads and cord.

#gourdart  #gourds


Ella is a mixed breed moggy....we are sure she has British Blue in her as she has a big round face and tiny ears.  She's just like a big teddy and has the most stunning green eyes.
She is best friends with Tucker dog...they do everything together.
Very cute to see them sleep together at night, and sunbathe on the driveway on hot days.
Ella smooches Tucker too. 

Dendrobium Orchid...

A cute wee orchid 
with the most powerful perfume you have ever smelt.
This is 'Dendrobium Delicatum'.

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