Celebrate Purple And Mauve!

Canvas Print

'Mist Star'


Perfect pops of colour for decor accents.

Purple and aqua look stunning together as an accent colour.

Here are a few ideas for some purple inspired wall art.

I've shown canvas images here today,

but these are also available framed under glass if you prefer that.

But artwork and photography images presented on canvas has become a popular choice, due to the fact they're modern and durable.

There are no glare and reflection issues you have with glass either.

Canvas Print

'Forest Soldiers'

Clematis Flower

'Purple Clematis'

Purple Pansy

'Purple Pansy'

Fuchsia Art Prints

'Textured Fuchsias'


A jewel colour.

A colour that gives the decor a little bit of WOW!


Chocolate Crispies

Healthy Treats
Chocolate Crispies were one of those accidental discoveries...
I had been to the store looking for an easy go-to but healthier sweet biscuit option.
There I found puffed rice chocolate covered square biscuit.
Made in Holland, these rice biscuits were nice.
But not amazing to me.
The chocolate was dark and bitter.
I love dark chocolate, but not so dark that it leaves a bitter aftertaste.
Which to me was what these did.
While I was munching away on this treat, trying to decide if they were ok or not ok, I had a complete lightbulb moment.
Why not make my own version.
But with my most favourite dark chocolate on top!
Using my most favourite corn cracker.

Healthy Treats
So I did.
Thus Chocolate Crispies were born.
Such a simple biscuit treat to whip up.
It's a fun one for the kids to help make.
All you need to do is:

Healthy Treats
Place 12 large round crackers on baking paper-lined trays.

Healthy Treats
I used 'Real Foods' corn thins brand.
They are made from corn and have a popcorn flavour.

Healthy Treats
Break up one block of Whittakers 62% dark cacao chocolate into a glass bowl.

Chocolate Treats
 Microwave on high in 20-second increments until it is glossy and smooth.

Healthy Treats
Spoon the chocolate onto each rice round and spread out.
Refrigerate until set.
 Store in an airtight container.

These Chocolate Crispies are a top favourite with my family.
They are gluten-free.
Use dairy-free chocolate and you'll tick that box too!

Healthy Treats
You'll make these time and time again once you taste them - that's guaranteed.

Note: An ingredient conversion chart can be found HERE





#healthyreats #homemade #yummystuff

Echeveria sp. 'Green Waterlily'...❥

Let me introduce you to this FABULOUS succulent plant.
It is called 'Green Waterlily' and is from the Echeveria species.
I simply adore the shape of this plant.
It resembles a waterlily, hence its name.
This beautiful succulent forms a compact large rosette.
The leaves are mid green with the tips tinged with pink.
It really is a beautiful addition to pots.
And that is exactly what I have done with it...

planted it in a low squat pot...

 for on the summer outdoor table.

The Green Waterlily is a low maintenance plant that tolerates dry conditions.
All you need to do to keep it healthy is a once-yearly fertilise with slow release type fertiliser.
Water only water once the soil is dry.
Keep in a full sun location and protect it from frosts.

And your happy Echeveria will reward you with interesting spikes of flowers in Spring.

#echeveria #succulents #pottedplants  #droughtresistant

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